What can you do about the hair loss?              Vito Mazza has helped many clients during their initial stage of cancer treatment by fitting them with natural, lightweight wigs. Some wigs are made with human hair and others are made with synthetic fiber. Synthetic wigs will hold their shape and require very little maintenance while looking and feeling very natural. Human hair wigs are made of 100% human hair that will react just like your own growing hair, but will require additional maintenance and styling. Whether you choose human or synthetic hair, you can be sure that Vito Mazza will provide the very best, most natural wigs in the industry.                    While the overall majority of patients will see their hair grow back over time and wigs will no longer be needed… those who are not satisfied with their regrowth can benefit from a more permanent solution.                    Vito Mazza is a pioneer in custom permanent hair replacement systems and has been serving Middlesex and surrounding counties for over 42 years. There are many options available based on the severity of the hair loss you have experienced. We can custom make a head of hair that will match your existing hair perfectly in color, texture and density. The hair will flow like your own and look like your own… because it is your own. The result will be a perfectly natural head of hair that will make you look just like you used to while giving you the confidence you need. Call us at (732) 636-0119… we can help!                   Vito Mazza will be retailing pink clip-on extensions during the month of October. A percentage of each extension sold will be donated to “Making Strides for Breast Cancer”. Please stop in to the salon, purchase one or two clip-on extensions and wear them during the month. We are trying to increase awareness and provide additional funding for this very needed cause.