From The Founders of Footlogix:

Where ‘Medi meets Pedi’

Why?Today’s lifestyle changes compared to the past are having a major impact on the health of the skin and nails on our feet – and this is evident in all age groups from young children to seniors. Many people today have a greater need for extra foot care due to calluses, thick, dry cracked skin on their heels, fungus or specific health issues.The creators of Footlogix™ Pediceuticals recognized the need for products that offer more than ‘feel good, fragrant cosmetics’ used in conventional ‘fluff and buff’ pedicures but in fact, foot care products developed specifically to address the health of your feet.This is where ‘medi meets pedi’!Footlogix™ ‘Pediceuticals’ InnovationThe creators of Footlogix™ recognized the need for pharmaceutical grade skin care products for the feet – products dedicated to conditions of the feet in order to maintain healthy, happy, well cared for feet. They created not only a foot care product line but in fact, a ‘pediceutical’ line of products – products specifically developed to address a variety of skin and nail conditions. These products are simple, easy to use and devoted to providing the solutions demanded by clients and pedicurists.Safe for Diabetics!The Footlogix™ Pediceutical line with Dermal Integration Technology™ has been designed to provide effective solutions for a variety of conditions and is safe for Diabetics! Diabetics can be assured of safety with Footlogix™ products which are oil-free and non-occlusive, allowing the skin to breathe.‘Where Medi meets Pedi’Footlogix™ boldly declares that ‘Medi meets Pedi’ in its pediceutical products – by virtue of the formulation and design of the products! Based on science and technology, Footlogix™ products provide visible changes within days, improvements that continue to build with on-going use.Call for your pedicure today 732-636-0119